Make Us One

Sometimes there can be conflict between family, because family are the ones who know us the best and they know our worst flaws. This not only applies to family, but sometimes it even happens within the church. Paul knew this, so he called for unity in the church and encourages the church at Ephesus to be "one." Listen in as Pastor David brings this unifying message from Ephesians 4. 

New Mercies

God does not promise us that we will never face anything hard if we will follow Him. In fact, God sometimes chooses to put us through tough things so that we may be sanctified to become more like him. However, God does promise he will be a stream in the middle of the desert for those who seek after Him. Listen in as Pastor David brings this New Year's message. 

Identity In Grace

Our God is just, but He is also merciful. That's why Paul describes salvation as happening "by grace, through faith" in Ephesians 2. Isn't it great to know that because of God's free gift to us, we can now not only walk in salvation, but also trust Him to walk alongside us in life. Listen in as Pastor David delivers this sermon from Ephesians 2. 

Fulfilling, Bearing, Caring

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The Bible commands us to "carry one another's burdens," but this can often mean much more than just helping someone out. There will be times when we as brothers and sisters are called to challenge each other in order for us all to become more like Christ. Listen in as Pastor David teaches from Galatians 6.